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THE RELIGION CORNER: God Provides the Opportunity But It’s Up to Us to Take Them



Lyndia Grant

Lyndia Grant

by Lyndia Grant
Special to the NNPA from The Washington Informer

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” — Philippians 2:13

Great opportunities come along for each of us, and often what could become an exciting chance comes our way several times during our lifetime. However, we second-guess it, and most decide not to try. How can you know if it was the right thing to do or not if you never made an effort?

We don’t create those unexpected opportunities; they just happen. Just as day becomes night or spring switches to fall, everything that comes our way is part of God’s plan; we are His vehicle.

God created us to be smarter than the animal kingdom; we’re not like the wildebeest that uses force to teach newborns. When the babies are born, they immediately, out of necessity, must learn to walk within minutes after birth and within days are able to keep up with the herd. What would happen if one of them decided “I’m not walking now, and quit!” They can’t quit. The mother won’t allow it. She knows the lions and tigers are waiting in the tall bush to snatch one of them up for lunch!

Scripture in Hebrews 2:8 reminds us “You gave them authority over all things.” Hebrew 2:7 reminds us “Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands…”

If we had somebody over us the way the mother wildebeest does her baby calves, pushing us and forbidding us to quit, we too would get the job done. The real meaning of life is so simple that we often miss it. It is to please God, to glorify Him, honor Him, and love Him. And He desires for His unique creation, mankind, to freely love Him.

Back in 1983, while living in the Los Angeles area, God provided me with an amazing opportunity. He gave me the idea to start my own small business, writing resumes and helping people to learn how to gain effective job search techniques and strategies. The idea came out of the mouth of a young Caucasian receptionist at an employment agency.

During my job search, the receptionist noticed me counsel another Caucasian lady, who sat next to me. She had not worked for a while and was extremely anxious about having her agency interview. She began to share with me and then instinctively I poured into her life providing guidance. Her resume was not well-written, but as I looked it over, questions about some of her previous duties came to me. That exercise caused her to feel better about her interview.

Here is where God provided me with a unique opportunity: After this woman was called, she went into the office, and I sat there, waiting my turn, not giving a thought to what just happened. The young receptionist said to me, “You were really good with her! Have you ever thought about starting your own business?” She continued, “You could really help a lot of people!”

Yes, I had, but couldn’t quite figure out what service to provide. Here was my golden opportunity. God provided me with my break; the rest was up to me.

That inspiration from the young receptionist became a message, a starting point in my life; it took root that very moment, with ideas about starting my own business freely flowing. The rest is history.

Glad I listened that day. Have you had such an opportunity but you ignored God’s voice? He will be with you, every step of the way, as He was with me.

Lyndia Grant is an author, inspirational and motivational speaker, radio talk show host and columnist; visit her new website at, email and, call 202-263-4621. Tune in Fridays at 6 p.m., to the radio talk show, 1340 AM, WYCB, a Radio One Station.


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